dilluns, 15 de juny del 2009

Angels i dimonis

Ahir, com quasi cada diumenge des de que s'acabat la lliga, vàrem anar al cinema. La película escollida aquest cop (i és que la cartellera no dóna per a més) fou "Ángeles y demonios", de la qual havia llegit la novela "Ángels i dimonis".

Sí, la novela la vaig llegir en català. No es que m'agradin massa aquests tipus de best-sellers, però si vols llegir en català t'has de conformar amb les quatre coses que s'editen i que arriben a les Illes. Anar a veure la película en català ja és impossible. No hi ha ni una sala que projecti películes en català, ni tan sols a certes hores.

No són només el cinemes i les editorials, no tenim prensa en català, ni televisió (tret de l'autonòmica, és clar), etc. I encara tenim que soportar a la Rosa Díez que vengui de la península a manifestar-se, entre caps rapats i banderes preconstitucionals en contra de la "persecució" del castellà a les Illes. No es que fossin molts, uns quans centenars, que provocaven més llàstima i vergonya aliena que qualsevol altra cosa, però ja són prou escusa per a que els treguin per les noticies i la gent de l'altra banda del mar es cregui tot el ramell de mentides.

Ah, la película va estar bé, molt entretinguda :)

85 comentaris:

Anònim ha dit...

Mikä teitä espanjalaisia oikein vaivaa?


Assumpta ha dit...

Jo sóc de l'altre banda del mar i no me les crec jejeje

Tens raó. Aquí en el cinema passa el mateix. Sí, sí, i tant!! Jo no sóc gens de cine, però recordo la meva odissea per poder veure Harry Potter en català: A Reus, impossible!

L'altre dia llegia en un blog que el mateix passa amb el món del cómic. Apenes s'edita res en català.

I què dir del món judicial on pràcticament tot s'ha de fer en castellà si vols que t'entenguin?

En fi... que m'alegro que la peli estés bé :-)

Jordi ha dit...

Angle, una mica vergonyós. Aquí també ens hem de sentir de boca dels populars que el castellà està perseguit. Per desmontar-se de riure!!

La pel·lícula, pitjor que el llibre. El llibre em va agradar força, però el final el vaig trobar una mica paranoic!

Ma-Poc ha dit...

Sí, tot plegat és ben lamentable. Com ja s'ha dit als comentaris, a Catalunya també ens passen coses similars... Pel·lícules en versió original subtitulades al català: tendeix a zero. Còmics en català: pràcticament inexistents. Videojocs? res, gràcies...

En fi, jo no he vist la pel·li però m'alegro que t'agradés :)!
Per cert, l'Assumpta m'ha avisat de l'existència d'aquest apunt i jo, diligent, he vin gut a treure el cap! :)

Angle ha dit...

Hola anomin, ho sento no parlo suomi :)

Als demés us he de dir que la película no és per tant jajaja... però comparada amb el Codi da Vinci és una obra mestre! Jo vaig dormitar en algun moment, però en general és d'aquelles que entretenen (és clar que no la posaré al meu perfil com a película preferida:). A més li tinc apreci especial a la novela perquè la vaig llegir estant a Roma, una ciutat que a pesar del caos circulatori i la superpobalció turística em va robar el cor.

Em quant a l'altre tema, tots tenim clar el que es pretén des de fora (cap líder popular es posaria al davant d'aquestes manifestacions, seria la seva mort política, al menys aquí a les Illes), i no és res més que enfrontar a les altres regions de l'Estat contra nosaltres. Aquí no es persegueix a ningú, ni es multa, ni s'el mira malament, ni res de res per palar castellá, és més es viu millor, no cal repetir el que ja hem dit. El meu pare parla castellá, és andalús, i fa quasi 60 anys que viu a Mallorca. I jo de vegades li demano si ha tingut mai el més mínim problema per parlar castellà... ja podeu imaginar, la resposta, cap ni un! O sigui, que dd'allò que deia la Cope de "com a jueus a l'Alemanya nazi" res de res. Jo només demano que quan vagi als organismes o ales institucions oficials, a la sanitat o ensenyanca públiques i d'altres que es mantenen amb els meus impostos se m'atengui o s'em doni el servei amb la meva llengua. És demanar massa?

Jordi ha dit...

Ets dels meus, t'adorms a les pel·lícules!! jejejeje

Jordi ha dit...

La situació del català aquí al Principat no és gaire més bona: al cinema és una vergonya. Ara aprofiten això del 3D per projectar-les només en castellà, i si en vols veure una en català (de les poques que hi ha), has d'anar a hores intempestives i sense 3D. Resultat: 3 gats (no arriben a 4). Així, ja tenen excusa: no hi ha públic per al cinema en català.
Apa-la, ja hi som.

Salut a les Illes!

Angle ha dit...

Quanta raó tend Jordi. Jo crec que som nosaltres els que ens tendríem que manisfestar. Si ens treuen el català de l'ensenyança, que ens quedaria? Parlar-lo en la intimitat com deia aquell del bigoti.

Carmencita ha dit...

Me encantó el libro...mucho mas que el código... que es posterior a éste, aunque aquí lo hicieron al contrario.
Cómo verás no voy a dejar de dejarte mis comentarios, de algo me entero, jajajajaja... y ese profesor sin venir, si es que así no se puede.

Angle ha dit...

Totalmente de acuerdo, la novela es mucho mejor que la del Código... y la película también!
Como dejes de poner tus comentarios, cierro el blog, por éstas que lo hago muakk :))

Cleo ha dit...

Hola, por fin me decido uff lo que me cuesta, yo tb. he visto la pelicula, muy entretenida me gustó...yo no he leido el libro pero seguro que valdrá la pena...un peazo beso;)))

David ha dit...

Dear me,” said Dumbledore, shaking his head, his long silver mustache quivering. “Impaled upon your own sword, Gilderoy!”
“Sword?” said Lockhart dimly. “Haven’t got a sword. That boy has, though.” He pointed at Harry. “He’ll lend you one.”
“Would you mind taking Professor Lockhart up to the infir¬mary, too?” Dumbledore said to Ron. “I’d like a few more words with Harry. …”
Lockhart ambled out. Ron cast a curious look back at Dumble¬dore and Harry as he closed the door.
Dumbledore crossed to one of the chairs by the fire.
“Sit down, Harry,” he said, and Harry sat, feeling unaccountably nervous.
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He and Hermione sat down on either side of Ron, who had saved them seats.
“What was all that about?” he muttered to Harry.
Harry started to explain in a whisper, but at that moment the headmaster stood up to speak, and he broke off.
Professor Dumbledore, though very old, always gave an impres¬sion of great energy. He had several feet of long silver hair and beard, half-moon spectacles, and an extremely crooked nose. He was often described as the greatest wizard of the age, but that wasn’t why Harry respected him. You couldn’t help trusting Albus Dum¬bledore, and as Harry watched him beaming around at the stu¬dents, he felt really calm for the first time since the dementor had entered the train compartment.

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Wood sought Harry out on the night before term started.
“Had a good Christmas?” he said, and then, without waiting for an answer, he sat down, lowered his voice, and said, “I’ve been do¬ing some thinking over Christmas, Harry. After the last match, you know. If the dementors come to the next one … I mean … we can’t afford you to — well —”
Wood broke off, looking awkward.
“I’m working on it,” said Harry quickly. “Professor Lupin said he’d train me to ward off the dementors. We should be starting this week. He said he’d have time after Christmas.”
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Wood sought Harry out on the night before term started.
“Had a good Christmas?” he said, and then, without waiting for an answer, he sat down, lowered his voice, and said, “I’ve been do¬ing some thinking over Christmas, Harry. After the last match, you know. If the dementors come to the next one … I mean … we can’t afford you to — well —”
Wood broke off, looking awkward.
“I’m working on it,” said Harry quickly. “Professor Lupin said he’d train me to ward off the dementors. We should be starting this week. He said he’d have time after Christmas.”
“Ah,” said Wood, his expression clearing. “Well, in that case — I really didn’t want to lose you as Seeker, Harry. And have you ordered a new broom yet?”
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At lunchtime they went down to the Great Hall, to find that the House tables had been moved against the walls again, and that a sin¬gle table, set for twelve, stood in the middle of the room. Professors Dumbledore, McGonagall, Snape, Sprout, and Flitwick were there, along with Filch, the caretaker, who had taken off his usual brown coat and was wearing a very old and rather moldy-looking tailcoat. There were only three other students, two extremely nervous-looking first years and a sullen-faced Slytherin fifth year.
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“I found you,” said Wormtail, and there was definitely a sulky edge to his voice now. “I was the one who found you. I brought you Bertha Jorkins.”
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“I — I thought she might be useful, My Lord —”
“Liar,” said the second voice again, the cruel amusement more pronounced than ever. “However, I do not deny that her informa¬tion was invaluable. Without it, I could never have formed our plan, and for that, you will have your reward, Wormtail. I will al¬low you to perform an essential task for me, one that many of my followers would give their right hands to perform. …”

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The two main possible routes proposed south for human migration are: down the Pacific coast or by way of an interior passage (Mackenzie Corridor) along the eastern flank of the Rocky Mountains.[18] When the Laurentide and Cordilleran ice sheets were at their maximum extent, both routes were likely impassable.
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The Taima Taima mastodon kill/butchering site in Falcon, Venezuela was first excavated by J.M. Cruxent in the 1960s and 1970s. It is one of the earliest archaeological sites that is pre-Clovis. In 1976 a broken El Jobo point (red arrow) was found inside the pubic cavity of a partially disarticulated and butchered young mastodon whose bones had been cut, with a jasper flake found near the left ulna of the animal.
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Although Titanic was primarily a passenger liner, she also carried a substantial amount of cargo. Her designation as a Royal Mail Ship (RMS) indicated that she carried mail under contract with the Royal Mail (and also for the United States Post Office Department). 26,800 cubic feet (760 m3) of space in her holds was allocated for the storage of letters, parcels and specie (bullion, coins and other valuables). The Sea Post Office on G Deck was manned by five postal clerks, three Americans and two Britons, who worked thirteen hours a day, seven days a week sorting up to 60,000 items daily.
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The ship's passengers brought with them a huge amount of baggage; another 19,455 cubic feet (550.9 m3) was taken up by first- and second-class baggage. In addition, there was a considerable quantity of regular cargo, ranging from furniture to foodstuffs and even motor cars.[54] Despite later myths, the cargo on Titanic's maiden voyage was fairly mundane; there was no gold, exotic minerals or diamonds, and one of the more famous items lost in the shipwreck
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Titanic's passengers numbered around 1,317 people: 324 in First Class, 284 in Second Class and 709 in Third Class. 869 (66%) were male and 447 (34%) female. There were 107 children aboard, the largest number of which were in Third Class.[95] The ship was considerably under capacity on her maiden voyage, as she could accommodate 2,566 passengers – 1,034 First Class, 510 Second Class and 1,022 Third Class.
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The culture is identified by the distinctive Clovis point, a flaked flint spear-point with a notched flute, by which it was inserted into a shaft. Dating of Clovis materials has been by association with animal bones and by the use of carbon dating methods. Recent reexaminations of Clovis materials using improved carbon-dating methods produced results of 11,050 and 10,800 radiocarbon years B.P. (roughly 9100 to 8850 BCE).
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“What was all that about?” he muttered to Harry.
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The Soviet Union had the world's longest border, measuring over 60,000 kilometres (37,000 mi), two-thirds of it a coastline of the Arctic Ocean. Across the Bering Strait was the United States. The Soviet Union bordered Afghanistan, China, Czechoslovakia, Finland, Hungary, Ira
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Gorky found himself without money and without fame. He visited the USSR several times after 1929, and in 1932 Joseph Stalin personally invited him to return for good, an offer he accepted. In June 1929, Gorky visited Solovki (cleaned up for this occasion) and wrote a positive article about that Gulag, which had already gained ill fame in the West. Later he stated that everything he had written was under the control of censors.[citation needed] What he actually saw and thought when visiting the camp has been a highly discussed topic
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